Data Jam Creativity Continues into 2022-23
In our fifth consecutive year of Data Jamming as part of education and outreach for the Northeast US Shelf Long Term Ecological Research (NES-LTER) project, we are pleased to announce the winners!
From 30 full Data Jam projects (116 students) and 6 Mini Jam projects (23 students), 3 high schools, and 2 middle schools– we commend all students and share the top scorers.

Second place, Full Jam: Dining with the Whales, by Koda DeSelms, Hannah Naimark, and Alizeh Tahir from FA Day Middle School, with Christine Adamson.
Third place, Full Jam: The Mysteries of Phytoplankton with Schwim and Floaty by Gabriella Moen, Sasha Selivan, Sophia Li, and Gina Li from FA Day Middle School, with Christine Adamson.

Honorable Mentions, Full Jam: Windy Wavy Weather, FA Day MS; Right Whale Ways, FA Day MS
Honorable Mention, Mini Jam: LBMS Science Interviews, Luther Burbank MS
All students are to be congratulated for their hard work, creativity, candidness, and for bringing smiles to our team of judges.
We extend thanks and kudos to all teachers/advisors for pushing your students to try something new. The work you do behind the scenes is priceless. Additional thanks to the team of 15 judges who make our Education and Outreach program what it is!
For highlights and a sampling of student creativity, go to our Data Jam Winners ring.