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WHOI Wordmark

Data Jam 2021-22 Jammin’ more than ever

word cloud of titles and project types for this year's Data Jam

120 students and 38 projects from grades 7 through 12 generated raps, a symphony, dancing scallops and wind and satellites, claymation, cupcake data points, board games, poems, comic strips, and puppet shows. Students used 13 different datasets from the provided Data Jam datasets and entertained 17 judges from the NES research team for days. While…

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Scallop Balance- Modeling for Management

Model results of Scallop Scope for Growth, for Jan-Feb and Mar-Apr with color scale above

In the recent publication of Fisheries Oceanography, Zhengchen Zang et al. share their sea scallop scope for growth (SFG) model. Scallop energy dynamics depend on the spatial and seasonal variability on the Northeast US Shelf. The scallop SFG model is therefore driven by high-resolution hydrodynamic and biological models and provides key information about scallop growth…

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L&O Letters- When It’s Spring in the Gulf of Maine

Bar chart with Years 2001-2016 on y-axis and months Feb-Jun on x-axis showing 4 patterns of the duration and timing of bloom patterns

In a recent publication to Limnology and Oceanography Letters, Zhengchen Zang et al. share work on the role of silicate in the Gulf of Maine. In this study, they employed an artificial neural network method to identify the spring blooms from satellite images and reconstructed the spring bloom magnitude with strong interannual variability. This study…

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